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What to Blog?

I spent all day yesterday trying to get my brand new blog to look just the way I wanted it to. Now it's time for my very first post.... Hmm. What to blog? I don't want to start out with anything too serious; that would be a buzz-kill. I don't want to be one of those professional-pundit bloggers who seem intent on proving they know more about what's going on in their field than anybody else does. But I'm also not so interested in blogging my personal life (mostly because it's not that interesting). So, here are some of my blogging role models. I want my blog to be like theirs...only different.

Marc Escobosa is a friend who lives in California. He's always got good stuff on his blog. He updates it every few days, and he reads all over the web. It's good to keep up with what he's found.

I've never met Anne Galloway, but she shares a lot of my personal interests (design, technology, ethnography, space/place, etc.), and she blogs prolifically at "purse lip square jaw." She's hooked into stuff I like to know about.

Liz Goodman -- whom I have met -- has a blog called "confectious" that I like for the same reason. I think I found Anne Galloway's blog through Liz's.

Then there is this guy -- also named Jay -- whose blog, "the ocean," I find hysterical; it's well written; it's funny but insightful; and it's generally just about his everyday interactions with other people. I have no idea who this guy is. I don't even know how I found his blog. Maybe through Friendster or something....

May 9, 2004 in On Blogging | Permalink


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Updated: May 8, 2004
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